I loved reading “John Lennon and the Bronte Connection," by Jewelle St. James who persuasively establishes (1) that artist/singer/songwriter
John Lennon was the reincarnation of artist/writer Branwell Bronte, brother of Emily Bronte, author of the acclaimed novel “Wuthering Heights;” and (2)
that Jewelle herself is Emily reincarnated.
In an
earlier book, “All You Need Is Love,” Jewelle wrote convincingly about a
prior life of hers with one John Baron, another previous incarnation of John
Lennon (as established by Jewelle). In
reviewing that book, I stated: “Jewelle St. James
follows her heart, obtains psychic readings from a number of gifted people, and
painstakingly seeks out evidence to test the accuracy of the information
gathered, and the validity of her beliefs. A sincere and honest approach that
totally satisfied my Doubting Thomas aspect! Along the way, Jewelle digs deep into her own intimate
issues, the resolution of which provides a glimpse into the mystical workings
of the Universe. A truly courageous and inspiring work. I loved it!" The
same can be said about Jewelle’s “John
Lennon and the Bronte Connection.” And as with her previous works, the writing
here is succinct, and the research meticulous.
From the outset, I recognized that one of the ways in
which Jewelle gets signs from “the Universe” is very much in sync with the way
signs, at times, come to me—via a chain of insistent synchronicities. With regard to myself, it’s as if my spirit
helpers have to work hard to penetrate my Doubting Thomas default. Thus, as with
Jewelle, “an avalanche of multiple messages will appear” (page 10) to finally
convince me that my Sixth Sense is on target.
Chapter Two includes Barry McGuinness’ engaging analysis of
the premise that Jewelle is the reincarnation of Emily Bronte. I found Mr.
McGuinness’ presentation to be highly persuasive.
I especially enjoyed Chapter 3, about Jewelle’s journey
into New York City (my home town, Brooklyn being one of the five boroughs of
NYC) in the Spring of 2012. Included in
this chapter is a passage stating that, “John Lennon was (obviously) John
Lennon until he died, and then he returned to all that he is—to all that he as ever been, like we too will one day
reunite with the larger part of ourselves.”
That “larger part” being our “oversouls,” altho Jewelle never uses that
term (which comes from the Hawaiian kahuna tradition. On this point, see the works of Hank Wesselman).
Especially noteworthy in Chapter 3 is Jewelle’s
observation that because John Lennon’s “spirit now encompasses his many
lifetimes of ‘expression,’ he can communicate with me (and others) through his
various past-life personalities.” This
is an extremely astute observation, and universally true, I submit. Prior lives can communicate with us here on
Earth, from the Other Side, even when an aspect of the oversoul has reincarnated. I have written about this in my own book (“Into The Mystic, From the
Streets of Brooklyn”), and it’s wonderful for me to have
the concept validated by Jewelle, a person whom I highly respect. In short, lifetimes are not boxed in by our
linear constructs or the laws of physics. After all, what we are talking about
here is metaphysics pursuant to which a person’s prior life can still
communicate with us from the Other Side, even tho that person (or, more
accurately, an aspect of the oversoul from which that person has incarnated)
has reincarnated. In short, our souls
can be in more than one place, at one time.
Here, as in her prior works, Jewelle notes how hard it was
for her to accept that an incarnation of the great John Lennon was
communicating with the presumably unworthy Jewelle. But the assessment of her
friend Christine on this point nails it: ‘May I suggest that had John Lennon
been anyone other than John Lennon, it may have been easier to accept the
synchronicity of all that has happened.’
Like other chapters, Chapter 5 includes an intriguing photo—this
one of the Bronte parsonage. Jewelle relates
that she walked thru the parsonage with a group of tourists, and noticed that,
“The kitchen is wrong.” Seconds later
she saw a sign on the wall stating that the kitchen had been renovated since
the Bronte’s had lived there. For me,
this is a spontaneous and honest validation that the messages coming to and
thru Jewelle, were valid.
In Chapter 6, Jewelle notes that on her visit to the Bronte Parsonage Museum, being featured was an exhibition: “Sex, Drugs and [not Rock-and-Roll
but] Literature.” Sound a little like
John Lennon? The details are
In Chapters 7-9, Jewelle delves into an analysis of the
Bronte family that is, in a word, captivating.
Chapter 9 reveals why Jewelle cannot read “Wuthering Heights.” Why? Well, I don’t want to resort to a spoiler, so
suffice it to say here that Branwell prominently figures into the
explanation. In any event, I would agree
with Jewelle’s assessment that she proves her case “well-nigh to certainty.”
In Chapter 10, Jewelle focuses on the traits that Branwell
and John Lennon shared. Very interesting
also how the two men looked so much alike (see especially Branwell’s drawing
of himself presented on the
book’s cover, and compare it to the photo of John
on page 35). This begs the question: Can
facial resemblance or other physical characteristics in one’s current life serve
as an indication of who one was in a prior life? For me personally, the answer is yes, given
that the man I “know” to have been me in a prior life, bears a striking resemblance
to the me of yesteryear; or should I say that I, in my youth, bore a striking
resemblance to him? (Birthmarks can be
an even more trustworthy indicator than facial similarities, see the work of Dr. Ian
In Chapter 11, Jewelle notes how a certain “little
connection seemed huge.” This is exactly
how my own Sixth Sense operates at times.
And I believe that’s true for many of those who are psychically
inclined. As world-class medium Suzane Northrop (who has endorsed Jewelle’s work) often says, “It’s the little
things” that really count.
Jewelle also notes at one point that she was “so caught up
in the wonder of the signs that I often missed the actual messages.” Been there, experienced that. The process can be mesmerizing.
Chapter 12 delves further into the mystery of knowing who
you were in a prior life. Jewelle
writes, “Of all the clues [of which there were many] and evidence pointing to
me as Emily, it was actually this sudden love of birds that convinced me. . . I
felt as if they were my friends. It was
like looking at the world with someone else’s eyes and feeling with someone
else’s heart.” The Universe works in mysterious
ways. What Jewelle effectively captures
in words is that which, in reality, can usually only be learned by experience.
Readers in tune will get this. Those out
of tune, will not.
Jewelle ties things together nicely in Chapter 13, in a
most insightful way. She begins the
chapter with the observation that “In this world of their own making, events
seemed to show that Branwell, on a subconscious level, possibly remembered his
past life as John Baron.” The analysis
supporting this observation is convincing.
Further, the way in which Jewelle expresses her opinion here, i.e., “events
seemed to show” [emphasis added] is
reflective of how Jewelle modestly expresses herself throughout the book, an
approach that is very much welcome.
Chapter 14 begins with “a heart-stopping ‘coincidence’”
that will resonate with in-tune readers.
As will Jewelle’s statement that “Spirit-John [Lennon] has cajoled me
into ‘owning’ my past life. . . It has taken my whole adult life to know
myself.” I’m certainly glad that Jewelle
not only got to know herself, but especially glad that she has shared what she learned
and experienced within the pages of “John Lennon
and the Bronte Connection,” a book which reaffirms my
own spiritual beliefs and experiences.
In short, “John Lennon and the Bronte
Connection” is a wonderfully efficient and spiritually educational work. I
would strongly recommend that all open-minded people of a spiritual persuasion read
this marvelous book, especially those who are interested in reincarnation.
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