I have been tango dancing since before 9/11. One key aspect of tango for me always has been holding a woman I've never met before in my arms, and leading her to make certain steps, and allowing her to embellish as we connect. Outside of tango, where can one embrace a total stranger, so intimately? You can swing, salsa, merengue, etc., but you'll never get so close as you can during tango. Well, that has been my experience. I'm sure there are exceptions.
Nowadays, during the plandemic, there are virtual tango classes on the internet. But where is the touch of a partner? I don't see "touch" happening virtually. Or am I behind the curve?
Check out the Central Park Tango (CPT) July 13 post on Facebook.*** According to that post, if tango is permitted at CPT, and you want to tango there IF that opportunity actually arises, you must wear a mask and not change partners. Ugh!
As of this writing, idiotic lockdown rules are destroying not only lives, careers, small businesses, and the economy etc., but also the mystique of tango. I have no plans to attend CPT or any tango event that requires wearing a mask.
***KEY Update - July 13th - CPT / Parks Dept Info Exchange Underway !
Last Week, the PARKs Dept provided the Mayor's Office guidance. The CPT response, incl. requested info, has been submitted, so upcoming exchanges will confirm the status of CPT's season.
Meanwhile, (Outdoor Experimental) TANGO INTERLUDEs will continue - For Couples Only.
"Couples Only" Means >>> NO CHANGING of Dance Partner !
(Reminder: Initial Request for Long Term partners was DROPPED a While Ago)
Other IMPORTANT requirement - EVERY Person Must Wear MASK at ALL Times !
Sincere thanks to All who have participated so far, in the Proper manner, given these uncertain times.
Although there has been increasing interest in these INTERLUDEs,
They Continue to be LIMITED to 10 COUPLES ONLY per gathering.
If Interested, please email to cptrmcc@gmail.com (Need to include your partner's name).
STAY TUNED for Further CPT Updates.
Thanks Again for Your Understanding ! ! !